Name: docdave
E-mail: (Not Available)
Subject: med stats

    All medics trained get a standardized course in drugs,
    that is nation wide and referenced by the same books.
    The books of AMA acredibility are:current up to date PDR.(PHYSICIANS DESK REFERENCE);a Tabor`s encyclepedia,
    a Merc`s manual, and a Gray`s anatomy.These are the bibles are medics in the USA use.
    When I was working in Burbank calif. some of the guys at the cafe asked me about things like `yellow jackets,
    Whites, bennies,black beauties,and purple somethings.
    I had to say I don`t know what they are.If they are not in my PDR then I don`t know them.Street names,slang
    names and civilian stories are not listed in my medical training.I am still looking for a gizzard.
    Some of the home rememdies people know better than medicos.For instance MO`s example I never heard till now.However I have heard of alka seltzer being used for hangovers headaches and to stop diarreah
    Chiropractors,and homeopaths believe heavily in vitamins ndsupplements.Perhaps because they are not trained or licensed in pharmicuticals?
    Every one reacts differently to drugs.Many have allergic reactions to some.Sometimes meds have the opposite effect.dosages also differ from one person to another.One thing is certain is to stay in close touch with your doctor who issues you meds.He depends on feedback from you to see if they are working correctly.
    There is a physcological factor at work also.If you trust your doctor and believe in him, then probably therapy will go well;on the other hand if you don`t trust your doctor or any doctor for that matter there will probably be trouble with your getting well.A
    joke in med school is that a dcotor is only as good as his library.Its important to stay up to date as new things come out all the time.The latest thing is a rash of normone drugs to secrete items believed to not be workong or slowing due to age.Also blockers and thinners, all aree for specific reasons to speed up or slow down the bodies natural secretions.A lot is being done now in brain chemistry they didn`t undetand a few years ago.The pituitary, pineal combinations along with the thalamic connections are now being addressed.
    Depression is now a chemical imbalance in the brain.
    Ptsd was only recognized and accepted as a disease in the mid 80`s.Medicine is growing and maturing all the time.Many new things are being treated and accepted for disability that wasn`t just 10 years ago.
    PTSD is now being defined as a `normal reaction to an abnormal event`.More to follow later. doc
    Doc L being as you are still in the system and I have retired now, any corrections or additions will be appreciated as long as it is directewd at helping our guys understand and learn things here. thanx doc

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