Name: MO
E-mail: (Not Available)
Subject: medic bunker

    Not only is it easier, it`s way more, it`s a database for real.

    We can make any partiucular requests from a database, such as:

    `List all medics in the database where the unit is C/1/501.`

    Bingo, you`d get a complete list of all Charlie Company 1st 501st Infantry...nuttin` but.

    Hey, before I forget, get the format right for the ``assigned to`` unit.

    B/2/501 ...etc.

    Someone might later ask you:

    ``My uncle/buddy/dad was a medic in vietnam but I don`t know what unit. His name was Jerry Woods.``

    Database query: List all info on any medic in the database where the last name is Woods.


    Jerry `Doc` Woods 3rd plt B/1/502 KIA 11/12/69.
    Allan `Doc` Woods LRRP Team `67 `68

    That`s just a hypothetical, but that. Databases are extremely usefull, and you now gots one. Anyone who ``signs in`` will be added to the database automatically, the ones you list ...will be added by you! All the same database, and we (I) can edit that database anytime, to add or fix errors. My edits will show up instantly, so yeah, better to maintain, better to start with, better all around.

    You`ll see, I`m sure, in time.

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